MAP invites you to help map the Philly movement ecosystem!
As a critical first step to building a movement ecosystem that can create transformational change, we believe that the social movements of our city and state will benefit from a shared map of our conditions. The Philly Movement Ecosystem Map, or EcoMap for short, is a project to document the strengths and challenges of movement organizations so we can develop a more concrete vision to fight for the society we all deserve. The EcoMap seeks to understand the conditions of the Philadelphia movement ecosystem, specifically:
- understand the gaps in movement infrastructure across the local ecosystem
- understand what resources exist and need to be created to fill these gaps
You can contribute to this project by completing the survey below. It should take no more than 15 minutes and survey data will be used to generate a report sharing our findings and insights relevant to strengthening the Philly movement ecosystem. Responses to the survey will not be linked to you or your organization and the report will only include aggregated data. And of course, participation is voluntary.
As a token of appreciation for your time, you can choose to be entered in a raffle for a new Macbook Air or equivalent computer for completing the survey and/or participating in the survey. If you have questions please contact: fred (at) movementalliance.org.