The Spark

The Spark: Stories that Change Our Times was a 6 episode series that aired on PhillyCAM and brought forth the stories of everyday people leading the way to win our human rights

The episodes were:

Healthcare, Not Health Insurance:
Millions of Americans recently signed up for health insurance for the first time through the Affordable Care Act, but many more don’t qualify or face medical bankruptcies. Hear from people on the front lines of building the people power we need to make healthcare a human right.

PA’s Next Governor:
Pennsylvania’s governor Tom Corbett is up for reelection but has been met with low approval ratings, particularly for his policies on education. Watch this episode to see how our neighbors are building grassroots political power to make our voices heard in the upcoming election and beyond.

Immigrant Rights are Human Rights:
The US deports a thousand people every day and spends billions to imprison undocumented immigrants. Rather than being pushed into the shadows, immigrant communities are organizing. Learn about recent victories and ongoing campaigns to ensure that the rights of every person in Pennsylvania are respected.

Our Schools, Our Future:
Neighborhood public schools play a vital role in creating strong and healthy communities for all residents of Philadelphia, but they are being stripped of the resources they need to thrive. Watch this episode to hear from parents, teachers and students who are reviving public education from the bottom up.

Working for Our Rights: 
In a time of growing inequality, stagnating wages, and fewer jobs, working people are coming together in new ways to secure human rights for all. Watch this episode to hear from innovative workers across industries who are reimagining the labor movement.

Comcast, Pay Your Fair Share: 
As Comcast makes billions in profit, many of us struggle to pay rising bills for our vital communications services. Comcast pays a third of the taxes other PA businesses pay. Watch this episode to learn how we can hold Philadelphia’s richest corporation accountable to our city and the country as a whole.