Let's Win internet for All!

We have been fighting – and winning – against Comcast to expand access to internet since 2014. Together, we’ve won a HUGE victory yet again that will benefit families across the country. 

Comcast is not only doubling the speeds from 25mpbs to 50mbps for the discount Internet Essentials service, it is also delaying a brutal data cap that would leave families stuck with wifi overage charges in the pandemic. This is in direct response to pressure from students, families, and teachers–it’s proof that the people united can win!

This is a huge victory, but it doesn’t go far enough. 

This shows us that Comcast can improve its service for families and community members in need, at any time. 50 mbps is an improvement, but still may present a challenge for families with multiple students learning from home and parents working from home during this pandemic. We want to work with vibrant community organizations from Baltimore to Detroit to Oakland to win far more from Comcast – an end (rather than just a delay) to the Comcast-imposed data caps, and a commitment to keep the internet totally free for low income communities until this pandemic finally ends. With your support, together we know we can make it happen.

With your investment, we will continue to build power here in Philly and nationwide to win internet for all. 


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